Thursday, June 3, 2010

kindergaten graduation *sigh*

Ethan graduated kindergarten today.  I am definately not an overly emotional person but i got a little teary eyed today.  He looked so grown up and cute.  This is his best friend Noah. they are inseperable and they giggle a lot. :)   I can't believe he will be in first grade next year.  I will miss him.  Ethan and I have a lot of fun during the day when the boys are at school. 
We have a lot of changes coming to our house.  Ethan will be in school all day next year.  Brendon will be in middle school.  Adam will be home everynight for the most part from now on.  Those are some big changes.  I have been trying to sit back lately and just watch my boys. They are growing up so fast i can't believe it.  I will have an eagle scout in september. It just amazes me the things they have accomplished so far in their lives. It makes me wonder what is to come for them.  Whatever it is it should be fun!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Ethan has really grown up....1st grade wow cute pics I have awesome grandsons!!!!!